“SL Nekos United”

So while scrambling to get Kenji on XStreet (yes, it finally started working again!), and while sorting the vendor out in the store, dodging hunters and trying not to lag myself, I was contacted by Migon Aeon of SL Nekos United.

Clicking over, I realized I could be absorbed for hours!

This is a Network for Neko Boys and their friends especially for the Gamers of SecondLife. We are multinational, and tolerant of all species and lifestyles here, and expect the same of you – to be friendly and treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Thanks for the mention and the link, Migon!

*On a personal note, I was tickled to death to hear Migon still sports LD hair as a sig.  I love that people enjoy the product!  That made my day!

JigSaW’s WorkShop

The last hair kit of the I<3 Originals fair went together well!  I was happy with the result, had time to spare for a little shopping, and so went on another clothing hunt.  Of course, I get easily frazzled.  I generally wind up whining to someone for help or suggestions.

Personally, I shop from the bottom of the search list up.  Avoiding campers, chairs, bots – all of that.  Dodging a few resellers, I worked my way through, searching for a few new articles to slap on the models.

Justin Jigsaw’s JigSaW’S WorkShop was a definite find!  Well done store, easy to see layout, no “walls of pictures” crammed together so tightly it makes your eyes and your pc beg for mercy. 

The skeptic in me always approaches shops with caution.  Photoshop is not that difficult, and gimp is free!  And, I have been burned many times by designers that put seemingly more effort into the deception than the product.  Warily, I clicked “pay”.  And blinked to see the asking price.

A lot of love went into these costumes/outfits/pieces.  The instant they are unpacked, that is evident.  For the price, I would have to say that this designer is too modest! 

It took me all of one minute to message a shopping-savvy friend who had been helping me stumble through stores, “You have got to check this place out!”

Beautiful work – I will definitely be watching this designer!

Shown:  ::J.SaW.w:: Vampmare Black Leather Valentine boxed

Linden Labs and XStreet Listing Fees

So it was brought up in a group.   Someone wondering where one might be able to find an official bit of documentation on the boom that is about to get lowered.

First of all, we do pay commission on items.  They take a percentage cut already.  The more a designer makes, the more LL makes.

Freebies, however, have no applicable commission.  And, apparently, there are people that say they are “clutter” against their terribly invaluable products.  (Ego, much?)

Regardless, this link takes one to Linden Labs Official “wiki”.  Reading this through was almost a joke, but it’s best one does pay attention.

Nothing more recent has been going around, I don’t suppose.  And if anyone does find an updated version, or at least a time-line?  I would very much like to see it.

A resident visiting the XStreet office hours, which are hard to catch and which seem to me run-downs of LL agenda rather than discussions of decisions, had this post up on their “Your 2nd Place” blog. 

Typical of LL reaction, if they ignore it, or don’t say anything, they will eventually do as they plan to anyway-and just wait for the complaints to die down.  This strategy has worked before, why break the habit now?

I am still working through alternates, and will probably keep one or two of them updated.  Regardless, RL time is hard to get now days, and the last thing I want to when able to work on SL is get myself irritated at LL for their ridiculous money-sweeps.

* I suppose I should also say that I will be removing listings from SLXchange in the upcoming days and weeks.  Not all, but a good bit of them!  If in the future you are looking for anything in particular, and can not find it on the site or in the store, drop a notecard to me.